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Course registration


*If you're IB, there's an additional section about IB specific info


1. Visit the 2019-2020 Catalog of Courses. Verify what classes you are interested in exist and that you meet their requirements. 


2. If you are an AP student, please view the AP course sequencing. If you're IB, please reference the IB course sequencing. Make sure you're allowed to take the courses you want. If you need help, you can reference the AP and IB course planning sheets. 


3. Make sure you meet these requirements before choosing electives! AP students must enroll in AP Lit, either AP Calc or Stat, AP Macro and AP US Gov (both semester classes), and an AP science. IB students must enroll in AP Lit, IB Contemporary History, TOK 2 and either AP Comp Gov or AP Micro (all three are semester classes), an IB science, a math course, a language SL if they haven't already done so, and a 6th subject. 


4. Log into FOCUS. In the top right corner, set the year to "2019-2020". Then go to the left and select "My Information" and then "Class Requests". You should find your required classes automatically submitted. 


5. Choose your remaining classes. When choosing your primary classes, make sure to NOT fill in the "elective priority" textbox. Also, make sure "Course #" ends in a "1". Submit classes by selecting the elective priority, leaving it blank, and pressing enter. IB students, be especially aware to select either the proper SL or HL course. If your pre-selected classes have issues, see guidance. 


6. After choosing your main classes, provide three backups. When choosing your backup options, make sure to use the "elective priority" textbox. Start with TWO, not ONE. For example, your three electives should be ranked 2, 3, 4 in order of priority (2 being most desired, 4 being least). 


7. Course scheduling is due this SUNDAY, March 31st! If you have any questions, see guidance. 


8. Guidance and admin will meet with students individually in the coming weeks to ensure your schedule was requested properly. 



  • IB students can either take 3 HL's with 3 SL's, or 4 HL's with 2 SL's. You can only do three or four HL's. 

  • If you're currently enrolled in an SL language, you can either 1) continue into the HL, 2) take the equivalent AP language, 3) take a new level 1 world language entirely, or 4) enroll in a new AP or IB elective. 

  • For math, IB students must take AP Calculus and AP Stats throughout their 4 years at Stanton. 

  • TOK senior year is a semester course, so you will either need to choose AP Comparative Government, or AP Microeconomics (which are also semester courses). 

  • If not stated in the "Course" title already, "Course" titles ending in 2 are SL and 3 are HL. "Course" titles shouldn't be confused with "Course #"; the "Course" title is the actual name of the course and where you search for courses, while the "Course #" is the nine-digit code number. 

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